Kathy Morgan
  • Female
  • Haughton, LA
  • United States
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Kathy Morgan's Discussions

In Memory
28 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gale Bagley May 26, 2011.

Income from "Damages" and Right-ofWay payments
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathy Morgan Apr 11, 2009.

Second Opinion of your Taxes
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathy Morgan Mar 28, 2009.


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Kathy Morgan's Blog

More Economic Stimulus - The Devil is in the Details

Or in several cases I should say the Angel. These are some sweet credits we are all paying to get. I'll take last weeks list and expand on what we know so far.

1. Nothing that I have been able to locate yet that will directly impact HS money, like tax breaks for that type of income.

Still nothing new here.

2. People on unemployment will receive an extra $25 a week, a longer time to draw benefits, and the first $2400 will be tax exempt on their federal… Continue

Posted on February 25, 2009 at 9:09 — 1 Comment

2009 Economic Stimulus Package and Your Taxes

Here is an overview of what the new Economic Stimulus package is going to mean to your taxes. Please remember that there are a lot of specifics that haven't been announced yet, so these are mostly generalizations.

1. Nothing that I have been able to locate yet that will directly impact HS money, like tax breaks for that type of income.

2. People on unemployment will receive an extra $25 a week, a longer time to draw benefits, and the first $2400 will be tax exempt on their federal… Continue

Posted on February 20, 2009 at 11:02 — 4 Comments

Do we do it for love or do we do it or money?

There are a lot of people who put a bunch of time into this site and into The Shale. So, the question is, why? I started out just looking for information for my tax clients and then myself. Then I got into going to area meetings and briefing on tax stuff for H&R Block.

Now I feel like this is more. Not only have I learned a lot, been able to help my clients, and answered some questions (to the best of my ability) for some fellow Shalers; but I feel like I've found someplace to express… Continue

Posted on November 2, 2008 at 11:00 — 3 Comments

BPCC Meeting

Anyone go to the BPCC thing Tuesday night? I was there and was very disappointed in the speakers. There was very little new info and most of the speakers were obviously on the "side" of the O&G companies. (Take "side" however you wish) I was out in the lobby handing out flyers about income tax effects of lease/royalty income and heard a lot of people leaving saying the same thing. The person they put up for "asset management" was good, if at this point what you are worried about is dying… Continue

Posted on July 31, 2008 at 4:29


This thing is going to have a big impact on taxes, social security and medicare benefits for people when they get money. Yet I've seen virtually nothing in the media or on websites about it.

I'll be right up front, I work for H&R Block during the tax season and have over 20yrs experience. But for the record, I am NOT pushing Block on anyone. Besides advice and questions are always free. ;-)

I've gone to a couple of meetings to brief on this and would like to go to as many more as… Continue

Posted on July 28, 2008 at 11:53 — 7 Comments

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At 15:12 on May 12, 2010, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Thanks, Kathy. It's the first step down a long judicial road that likely ends at the LA. State Supreme Court. This trial was the mineral owner vs. Questar. In the coming appellate trials it will be the mineral owner against the combined weight of the Industry as this case is likely to set a legal precedent the outcome of which will be measured in $B's for thousands of mineral owners. I am honored to play a small part in representing the plaintiff. Thank you for your encouragement. Regards, Skip
At 16:31 on January 9, 2010, Rosebud said…
Oh, no! I can't think of anything that would sufficiently distract my thoughts if I had a son in Iraq. I certainly will pray for his safe return.
At 13:58 on January 9, 2010, Rosebud said…
I've been thinking about you this week. I know your favorite time of the year is fast approaching!!
At 3:13 on November 23, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
What an adorable picture!
At 3:59 on October 22, 2009, Rosebud said…
Thank you for the patriotic heart, Kathy. I really do like it and am proud to have it.

At 14:36 on May 4, 2009, sesport said…
Congrats for making it to the top of the top 20 Featured Shalers! Enjoy the view ... LOL.

Best - sesport :0)
At 19:56 on May 2, 2009, Major Bonnie said…
Hi, are you the tax lady who came to some of the East 80 Meetings? Also, I think I met you at BPCC handing out H&R Block materials. I was handing out the East 80 fliers. Bonnie
At 18:54 on May 2, 2009, sesport said…
I think I'm a little late, but Happy ? th Birthday! Here's to the wisdom that comes with age. I'm also now seeing Keith's comment ... we made 2 "pitstops" in NJ at McGuire years & years ago. Have a safe trip, too.

Best - sesport :0)
At 9:39 on May 1, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Hey, I saw on Dorcheated that you are going to NJ...what part? Happy B-Day!
At 16:10 on April 30, 2009, Bobi Carr ("parker") said…
Hey Kathy,

Happy Birthday!

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